Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Family History Goals

I didn't do a full-fledged "goals" post at the beginning of 2013. Using the still-undone of my 2011 goals as a starting point, I'm going to pose some questions that I want to try to answer in the coming year. For a variety of reasons, I expect this to be harder to accomplish in 2014 than in years past, but I hope to make at least a little headway.
  1. Who were Mathew Madigan's parents? Who were Margaret Sullivan Madigan's parents?
  2. Who built the house at 85 Luqueer Street?
  3. What happened to Mary Mulvany, daughter of James Mulvany and Bridget Rothwell?
  4. Where was Maria D'Ingeo Gatto born, Italy or Brazil?
  5. Who were Hugh Quinn's parents? 
  6. What were the relationships between James and John Mulvany and between their wives, Bridget and Ann Rothwell?
Additionally, I'd like to:
  1. Commit to a schedule of 1 blog post per week
  2. Correct my apparent errors in the King family line
  3. Get back in the habit of visiting my local Family History Center
  4. Track down a photograph of each of my 2x great-grandparents (I'm currently at 5 out of 16)

As of this writing, the question that occupies most of my mental space is that of Maria D'Ingeo Gatto. At various times over the past year or two, it has been the Rothwell-Mulvany conundrum, or the old family homestead at 85 Luquer St. I have not systematically investigated any of the other questions, but they are all mysteries to some degree - or at least interesting questions - and all things I would like to find answers to.

Here's to a 2014 full of accessible records, online indexes, background reading, archival trips, focused research, serendipity, cousin bait, and genealogical happy dances!

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